Pembenaran (teologi) Daftar isi Referensi biblika | Gereja perdana dan pembenaran | Perbandingan antara tradisi-tradisi | Lihat pula | Bacaan lanjutan | Referensi | Pranala luar | Menu navigasi1-56-10Salvation"Baptism""Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification"Justification by faith - what about James 2:24?32.4"Anti-Pelegian writings""Sin is from Natural Descent, as Righteousness is from Regeneration""The Will of Man Requires the Help of God"Thirty-Nine ArticlesJohn Wesley: Sermon 5: Justification by FaithThe United Methodist Church: The Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church - Article IX—Of the Justification of ManSermon redirection"Redemption""The Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church""The Fundamental Teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church"versi asli"The Orthodox Church"chapter 4James 2:26"Paragraph 1815"James 2:22ch. 1, 7, 8"The sacrament of Baptism"1 Peter 3:21"Paragraph 1446""The Council of Trent Session 7"Origen and the history of justification: the legacy of Origen's commentary ... - Thomas P. Scheck, Joseph T. Lienhard - Google BooksOfficial Common Statement of the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic ChurchAnnex to the Official Common Statement by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic ChurchSalvation: Grace, Justification, and Synergy by the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint CommissionSalvation in Christ articles at the Orthodox Info siteJustification Article from Catholic EncyclopediaCatholics United for the Faith article "It 'Works' for Me: The Church's Teaching on Justification"Catechism of the Catholic Church: GRACE AND JUSTIFICATIONScripture verses on justificationThe General Council of Trent on JustificationSermon #5: "Justification by Faith""Justification as an Eternal and Immanent Act of God""Of Justification by Faith"The Orthodox Presbyterian ChurchAspects of the Doctrine of Justification According to Reformed TheologyJustification by FaithApology of the Augsburg Confession Article IV: Of JustificationSolid Declaration of the Formula of Concord Article III: Concerning the Righteousness of Faith before GodLuther's definition of faithDikaiosyne Theou: The Righteousness of God in Contemporary Biblical Scholarship4121563-1sh85071147
Filsafat KristenIstilah KristenKontroversi dalam teologi KristenMethodismeSoteriologiTeologi CalvinisTeologi Lutheran teologi KristenAllahdosapengurbanan Kristus yang mendamaikanProtestanismeiman sajaperbuatan baikKristen KatolikOrtodoksbaptisankehendak AllahKristusberimanLutheranCalvinisdosa-dosa beratReformasi Protestandosa-dosaProtestanimanperbuatan baikKatolikOrtodoksSakramen Rekonsiliasidosa beratimandosa seriushawa nafsuiri hatikedengkianJangan membunuhjangan berzinahjangan mencurijangan mengucapkan saksi dustahormatilah ayahmu dan ibumukasihilahperbuatan-perbuatanDeklarasi Bersama tentang Doktrin PembenaranFederasi Lutheran se-DuniaGereja Katolik RomaLutheranimanharapankasihD. James Kennedypembenaran diriTemplat:Sejarah teologi Kristenzaman ApostolikkemartiranBapa GerejaKlemens dari RomaYohanes KrisostomusAgustinusPelagiusAgustinus dari HippoPelagianPaus Innosensius IbidahPaus ZosimusKonsili KartagopengudusanRoh KudusAnglikanAnglo-KatolikPerspektif Baru tentang PaulusJohn Wesley...