Are Finitely generated modules over a ring also finitely generated over a subring containing the identity?Is every subring of a field over $mathbbQ$ a finitely generated $mathbbZ$-module?Integral Dependence & Finitely Generated Modulessubalgebras and finitely generated modulesAre polynomial rings finitely generated modules over the base ring?Finitely generated modulesFinitely generated modules over PID'sFinitely generated semisimple modulesAre free submodules of finitely generated modules finitely generated?Are finitely generated submodules of finitely generated free modules free?A submodule of finitely generated modules
How to use awk to extract data from a file based on the content of another file? Convert Numbers To Emoji Math Is there a reason why Turkey took the Balkan territories of the Ottoman Empire, instead of Greece or another of the Balkan states? Why doesn't a particle exert force on itself? Does Thanos's ship land in the middle of the battlefield in "Avengers: Endgame"? Can anyone identify this unknown 1988 PC card from The Palantir Corporation? Can an Iranian citizen enter the USA on a Dutch passport? As a GM, is it bad form to ask for a moment to think when improvising? Which "exotic salt" can lower water's freezing point by –70 °C? What do you call a painting painted on a wall? Efficient deletion of specific list entries Do quaternary sulfur dications exist? 1000万の妹好きを... in this sentence Dimmer switch not connected to ground While drilling into kitchen wall, hit a wire - any advi...