Order of succession The Constitution
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Order of succession
Article 6 of the Norwegian Constitution stipulates the order of succession to the Norwegian Throne.
At present, the line of succession is as follows:
- His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon
- Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra
- His Highness Prince Sverre Magnus
- Her Highness Princess Märtha Louise
- Miss Maud Angelica Behn
- Miss Leah Isadora Behn
- Miss Emma Tallulah Behn
The Constitution
Article 6 of the Norwegian Constitution states:
The order of succession is lineal, so that only a child born in lawful wedlock of the Queen or King, or of one who is herself or himself entitled to the succession may succeed, and so that the nearest line shall take precedence over the more remote and the elder in the line over the younger.
An unborn child shall also be included among those entitled to the succession and shall immediately take her or his proper place in the line of succession as soon as she or he is born into the world.
The right of succession shall not, however, belong to any person who is not born in the direct line of descent from the last reigning Queen or King or a sister or brother thereof, or is herself or himself a sister or brother thereof. When a Princess or Prince entitled to succeed to the Crown of Norway is born, her or his name and time of birth shall be notified to the first Storting in session and be entered in the record of its proceedings.
For those born before the year 1971, Article 6 of the Constitution as it was passed on 18 November 1905 shall, however, apply. For those born before the year 1990 it shall nevertheless be the case that a male shall take precedence over a female.
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