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Main Pages:

  • List of the Major World Religions ordered by size.

  • Major Branches of Major World Religions

  • World's Largest Churches (Religious Bodies)

  •    Includes: Top 10 Largest International Religious Bodies

       See also: Religious Bodies by Date: Oldest to Youngest

  • Largest Religious Groups in the U.S.A.

       See also: Composite U.S. Demographics - incl. race, ethnic, gender, religion, etc.

  • Geographical "Top Ten" Lists - Largest communities of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Lutherans, etc.

Religious Affiliation of:

  • Famous Adherents - Famous Christians, Famous Muslims, etc.

  • Religious Affiliation of Famous/Influential People Summary Chart

  • the 100 Most Influential People in History

  • Religion of Founding Fathers of America

  • U.S. Presidents

  • U.S. Vice-Presidents

  • U.S. Congress

  • U.S. Governors

  • U.S. Supreme Court Justices

  • Canadian Prime Ministers

  • History's Great Philosophers

  • Famous Actors and Actresses

  • 100 Most Influential People in Movie History

  • Directors of AFI's 100 Greatest American Movies

  • World's Greatest Artists

  • Authors Who Are Converts to a Different Religion

  • Famous Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers

  • Other Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers of Various Faiths

  • Comic Book Characters

  • Pictures: Heroes Grouped by Religious Faith

  • Biosignatures

Other Original Content/Summary Pages:

  • Levels of Taxonomic Classification of Religious Groups

  • Nationally Predominant Religions in each country

  • Religious Movements and their Countries of Origin

  • Holy Places

  • Snapshots of Religion in: Oregon, Vermont, Southern California & Australia

  • Influential Historical and Contemporary Religious Leaders Also: Religious Founders

  • Major Scripture, Religious Texts and Influential Books

  • Federal Guidelines for Religious Expression in Public Schools

  • References to Religious Groups within Novels, Stories, etc. (over 34,000 entries in database)

  • Movies about Religion

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  • Suggested LINKS for finding out more about faith groups.

  • Religious Beliefs & History (offsite): "BELIEVE" Religious Information or Divine Digest or

  • Bibliography of books/offline resources

  • In The News

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Write my essay? We recommend solution. is a growing collection of over 43,870 adherent statistics and religious geography citations: references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc. The religions of the world are enumerated here.

Basically, researchers can use this site to answer such questions as "How many Lutherans live in Wisconsin?", "What are the major religions of India?", or "What percentage of the world is Muslim?" We present data from both primary research sources such as government census reports, statistical sampling surveys and organizational reporting, as well as citations from secondary literature which mention adherent statistics.

Famous and influential: also has detailed lists of influential and famous adherents of over 100 different religious groups (famous Methodists, famous Jews, famous Catholics, famous Zoroastrians, famous Jehovah's Witnesses, famous Theosophists, etc.), and lists of prominent people (actors, politicians, authors, U.S. presidents, artists, musicians, Supreme Court justices, film directors, etc.) classified by religious affiliation. These lists are linked to thousands of detailed religious/spiritual biographies.

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Main Statistical Database

Some disclaimers and important points to keep in mind:
  • First, the citations available here refer to the size and location of faith groups (number of adherents, meeting units, and countries). is not intended to be a source of any other information. Various search engines and link lists may be useful in learning more about faith groups.

  • recognizes that different sources may provide slightly different or even contradictory information. Our goal is to impose no interpretation, filtering or distillation on the citations and data sources we encounter. We provide all statistics we find, listing them side by side so that researchers can draw their own conclusions, assisted by the quotes, survey parameters and/or bibliographical references provided here, or by referring to the original sources.

  • Adherent statistics are usually not precisely comparable. For instance, "50% Catholic" in a European country may mean something quite different from "50% Muslim" in an African country. These citations of adherent statistics are presented here in a uniform format for the sake of simplicity; this is not meant to imply that data from different sources and citations are directly comparable. Wherever possible the supporting material makes it clear whether statistics are from surveys, census data, organizational reporting, or other sources. Knowledge of the source of the statistics, as well as further knowledge of the particulars of a cultural, religious or regional group are necessary for an adequate understanding of the sociological implication of this type of data.

  • Furthermore, although this listing is the largest of its kind, it is not exhaustive. There are faith groups, churches and philosophies which are NOT listed here, especially smaller groups outside the U.S. Broad philosophies and movements not defined by organized religious bodies are, of course, more difficult to obtain statistics for. Some sociologists define religion as a belief system shared by a group of individuals. The database has thousands of broad classifications, religions, branches, individual churches, etc., and most people fit under multiple labels, but no individual can be completely categorized by any of these labels.


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If the main database includes a total number of adherents in the world, the highest recent number (but not necessarily the most accurate one) is shown in the index.


Aaronic Order: 2,000 (4 recs.)
Abecedarians (2 recs.)
Abenaki, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot (2 recs.)
Abkhazian: 594,500 (5 recs.)
Aboriginal Evangelical Missions
Abyssinian Frontiers Mission (2 recs.)
Acharya's Yoga and Meditation Centre: 5,000 (2 recs.)
Acheh (3 recs.)
Achomawi (2 recs.)
Acolapissa and Tangipahoa (2 recs.)
Acts Full Gospel Church
Adai (2 recs.)
Adja (3 recs.)
Advent Christian Church: 28,000 (47 recs.)
Adventist (18 recs.)
Aetherius Society: 650 (12 recs.)
Afar: 350,000
affiliated (205 recs.)
affiliated - black
affiliated - full communicant (7 recs.)
Africa Evangelical Church (4 recs.)
Africa Evangelical Fellowship (11 recs.)
Africa Inland Church (3 recs.)
African Baptist Assembly, Malawi
African indigenous churches (58 recs.)
African Methodist Episcopal Church: 3,500,000 (27 recs.)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: 1,252,369 (66 recs.)
African Orthodox Church (10 recs.)
African Orthodox Church of the West (6 recs.)
African People's Socialist Party
African Protestant Church
African Reformed (NGK-South Africa)
African Traditional Religion: 80,000,000 (333 recs.)
African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church
African Universal Church
African Zion Church (2 recs.)
Afro-American Army
Afro-Brazilian religions (6 recs.)
Afro-Cuban religions (2 recs.)
Agapemonites (9 recs.)
Aggressive Christianity Missionary Training Corps: 19 (2 recs.)
Aglipayan Church: 4,500,000 (8 recs.)
Agnostic (96 recs.)
Agudat Israel World Organization: 500,000
Agul (2 recs.)
Ahirs (3 recs.)
Ahl-I Haqq
Ahmadiyya: 10,000,000 (27 recs.)
Ahmadiyya - mosques (10 recs.)
Ainu (8 recs.)
Ais (2 recs.)
Aiyetoro Community
Ajivikas (5 recs.)
Akan (2 recs.)
Alacaluf (2 recs.)
Alamo Christian Foundation: 400 (3 recs.)
Alaska Yearly Meeting (2 recs.)
Alaskan Athabaskans
Alawi: 1,400,000 (7 recs.)
Albakourat al-Durzeyat (25 recs.)
Albani-Sinai Orthodox: 100,000
Albanian (5 recs.)
Albanian Orthodox (6 recs.)
Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America (11 recs.)
Albanian Orthodox Church in America (2 recs.)
Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America (7 recs.)
Albigensianism (2 recs.)
Aleut (2 recs.)
Alevis (6 recs.)
Alexandrian Wicca (3 recs.)
Algard Wicca
Algemene Doopsgezinde Societeit
Alianza Evangelica Menonita
All Africa Conference of Churches
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection: 2,302 (21 recs.)
Alliklik (2 recs.)
Alpha and Omega Pentecostal Church of God of America
Alsacian Churches (2 recs.)
Alsea (2 recs.)
Alternative Religions (14 recs.)
Altkolonier Mennonitengemeinde (5 recs.)
Altkolonier Mennonitengemeinde (Colonia Manitoba)
Altkolonier Mennonitengemeinde (Colonia Nueva Durango)
Altkolonier Mennonitengemeinde (Colonia Rio Verde)
Aluk To Dolo (2 recs.)
Amal (2 recs.)
Amalgamated Flying Saucers Club
Amana Church Society: 1,200 (10 recs.)
amaNazaretha (2 recs.)
American Association of Atheists (2 recs.)
American Association of Lutheran Churches (26 recs.)
American Baptist Association: 250,000 (8 recs.)
American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A.: 3,337,400 (74 recs.)
American Bible Society - volunteers
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church (19 recs.)
American Catholic Church (2 recs.)
American Catholic Church (Syro-Antiochean) (7 recs.)
American Council of Christian Churches
American Eastern Orthodox Church (2 recs.)
American Episcopal Church: 13,200 (4 recs.)
American Ethical Union: 4,000 (4 recs.)
American Evangelical Christian Churches
American Evangelistic Association
American Family Association
American Gospel Band
American Holy Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church
American Independent Orthodox Church (Bridges)
American Indian Evangelical Church
American Lutheran Church: 2,300,000 (13 recs.)
American Lutheran Conference
American Muslim Mission
American Muslim Society
American National Baptist Convention
American Nazi Party (2 recs.)
American Orthodox Catholic Church (Irene)
American Orthodox Catholic Church (Propheta)
American Orthodox Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Ohio (6 recs.)
American Orthodox Catholic Church, Western Rite Mission, Diocese of New York (6 recs.)
American Orthodox Church
American Prelature: 20,000 (2 recs.)
American Rescue Workers: 2,700 (9 recs.)
American Unitarian Association
American World Patriarchs (4 recs.)
Americanism (4 recs.)
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Amhara: 12,000,000 (8 recs.)
Amidism (7 recs.)
Amish: 128,000 (54 recs.)
Amish - other (6 recs.)
Amway: 14,000
Anaak (3 recs.)
Anabaptist (5 recs.)
Ananaikyo (2 recs.)
Ananda Community: 300 (2 recs.)
Ananda Marga: 250,000 (9 recs.)
ancestor veneration (10 recs.)
Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite: 300,000
Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis: 250,000 (8 recs.)
Ancient Church of the East
Ancient Tridentine Catholic Church: 360 (6 recs.)
Andamanese (6 recs.)
Andes Evangelical Mission
Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church
Angkola and Mandailing
Anglican: 80,000,000 (254 recs.)
Anglican - active: 23,000,000 (3 recs.)
Anglican - attend at least yearly
Anglican - confirmed
Anglican Catholic Church: 20,000 (3 recs.)
Anglican Church of Canada (4 recs.)
Anglican Church of North America
Anglican Communion: 78,000,000 (10 recs.)
Anglican Episcopal Church of North America: 1,000 (2 recs.)
Anglican Mission in America (2 recs.)
Anglican Orthodox Church: 300,000 (7 recs.)
Anglican Rite Jurisdiction of the Americas: 15,000 (4 recs.)
animism (7 recs.)
Anthroposophical Society: 55,000 (6 recs.)
Anthroposophical Society - full-time
Anti-cult movement (3 recs.)
anti-missionary movement (2 recs.)
anti-Semitism (7 recs.)
Antigua Barbuda Baptist Association
Antiochian Orthodox (3 recs.)
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America: 300,000 (14 recs.)
Apa Tanis
Apache (6 recs.)
Apalachee (3 recs.)
Apostelamt Jesu Christi
Apostolic (4 recs.)
Apostolic - historic Apostolic succession: 1,369,299,968
Apostolic - independent: 18,000,000
Apostolic - other
Apostolic Assemblies of Christ
Apostolic Catholic Church of the Americas
Apostolic Christian Church (3 recs.)
Apostolic Christian Church (Nazarean): 3,730 (26 recs.)
Apostolic Christian Churches of America: 16,916 (36 recs.)
Apostolic Church (10 recs.)
Apostolic Church (Australia)
Apostolic Church of Christ
Apostolic Church of Christ in God (2 recs.)
Apostolic Church of Jesus (8 recs.)
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ
Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada (3 recs.)
Apostolic Church of Queensland
Apostolic Faith (3 recs.)
Apostolic Faith (Hawaii) (4 recs.)
Apostolic Faith (Kansas): 10,000
Apostolic Faith Mission (3 recs.)
Apostolic Faith Mission Church of God (5 recs.)
Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland, Oregon: 54,000 (7 recs.)
Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa
Apostolic Gospel Church of Jesus Christ (8 recs.)
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America (21 recs.)
Apostolic Lutheran Churches: 12,000,000 (2 recs.)
Apostolic Lutherans (Church of the First Born)
Apostolic Lutherans (Evangelicals No. 1)
Apostolic Lutherans (Evangelicals No. 2)
Apostolic Lutherans (Heidmans)
Apostolic Lutherans (New Awakening)
Apostolic Methodist Church (2 recs.)
Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God: 12,514 (6 recs.)
Apostolic Spiritual Baptists
Apostolic United Brethren: 8,000 (6 recs.)
Aquarian Foundation (2 recs.)
Aquarian School of Yoga
Aquarian Spiritualist Centre
Aquarian Tabernacle Church: 530 (3 recs.)
Ar nDraiocht Fein: 400 (3 recs.)
Arab (30 recs.)
Arab & Muslim combined
Arab Liberation Front: 800
Arapaho (5 recs.)
Arapaho and Atsina (2 recs.)
Arawak (3 recs.)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Brudergemeinden in Deutschland
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden in Deutschland
Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur geistlichen Unterstutzung in Mennonitengemeinden
Arcane School
Arianism (6 recs.)
Arikara (4 recs.)
Aristotelian (4 recs.)
Armenian (6 recs.)
Armenian Apostolic Church: 4,000,000 (39 recs.)
Armenian Apostolic Church of America (11 recs.)
Armenian Apostolic Church of America - Eastern Prelacy (13 recs.)
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church of America (2 recs.)
Armenian Church of America (4 recs.)
Armenian Church of America, Diocese of the (5 recs.)
Armenian Evangelical Church
Armenian Orthodox Church
Arminianism (3 recs.)
Armitage Baptist Church
Arya Samaj (37 recs.)
Aryan (2 recs.)
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Nations: 500 (4 recs.)
Aryan Warriors
Asatru (3 recs.)
Asbury Bible Churches
Ashanti: 1,000,000 (2 recs.)
Ashkenazi Judaism: 9,800,000 (9 recs.)
Asociacion Bautista de El Salvador
Asociacion Convencion Bautista de Costa Rica
Asociacion Convencion de Iglesias Menonitas de Costa Rica
Asociacion de Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia
Assam Baptist Convention
Assassins (11 recs.)
Assembleias de Deus (3 recs.)
Assemblies of God: 30,000,000 (220 recs.)
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
Assembly of Brothers
Assiniboine (6 recs.)
Associacao das Igrejas Menonitas do Brasil
Associacao dos Irmaos Menonitas de Portugal
Associacao Evangelica Menonita
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (General Synod): 38,763 (25 recs.)
Associated Brotherhood of Christians
Associated Churches of Christ (4 recs.)
Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (13 recs.)
Association des Eglises Evangeliques Mennonites de France
Association for Research and Enlightenment (5 recs.)
Association Mennonite Luxembourgeoise
Association of Baptist Churches
Association of Baptist Churches in Israel
Assyrian: 3,300,000 (7 recs.)
Assyrian Church of the East: 300,000 (28 recs.)
Assyrian Church of the East (Chaldean-Syrian/Daly)
Assyrian Evangelical
Assyrian Orthodox: 170,000 (4 recs.)
astrology (8 recs.)
astrology - astrologers (3 recs.)
astrology - full-time astrologers (3 recs.)
astrology - part-time astrologers (3 recs.)
Atakapa (2 recs.)
Athanasianism (4 recs.)
Atheism: 240,310,000 (186 recs.)
Atheism and Agnostic (90 recs.)
Athiopisch-Orthodoxe Kirche
attendance - at least monthly (7 recs.)
attendance - at least occasionally (2 recs.)
attendance - irregular or not at all (5 recs.)
attendance - regular (12 recs.)
attendance - weekly (244 recs.)
Augsburgian Confession (2 recs.)
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church (5 recs.)
Auldearne Witches
Aum Shinrikyo: 12,000 (15 recs.)
Aum Shinrikyo - full-time: 1,100 (4 recs.)
Auroville: 900 (5 recs.)
Australasian Conference of Seventh Day Baptists
Australian Aboriginal religion (3 recs.)
Australian Aborigines: 265,000 (28 recs.)
Australian Conference of Evangelical Mennonites
Australian School of Yoga
Australian Transmission Meditation Network: 4,000 (2 recs.)
Autocephalous Slavonic Orthodox Catholic Church (In Exile) (2 recs.)
Autocephalous Syro-Chaldean Church of North America (3 recs.)
Avar (2 recs.)
Avoyel (2 recs.)
Aymara: 2,520,000 (6 recs.)
Azali Babis (2 recs.)
Azande (2 recs.)
Azerbaijani: 40,000,000 (10 recs.)
Aztec (7 recs.)

43,940 adherent records.
4,351 groups.

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